The management regularized gradually when our company in the process of development, only specification management can make our company develop to the next level. We obtained ISO 18001 occupational health certificate in 2014 and ISO 9001 certificate in January 2015. At the end of 2015, we successfully through the first review of ISO 9001 certificate, this month, we ushered in the renewal for ISO 18001 certificate and supervision and review for ISO 9001 certificate. February 20th~24th, Auditors Ruan Xianbing and Cheng Feng come to audit for five days. On the closing meeting, the two auditors made a summary of the audit work, the conclusion is that our company seriously carried out the management system, the renewal for ISO 18001 certificate and supervision and review for ISO 9001 certificate went through smoothly.

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  • No.26, Jinchuan Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Yantan District, Zigong City, People's Republic of China
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  • +86-813-5158031
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